These Virginia spring rains have offered several deliciously imaginative indoor play days at The Rose Garden. In Heaven on Earth I wrote about indoor play:
It is tempting to create our child’s playspace upstairs, or in the room around the corner. What we may find with a child younger than five, though, is that he gathers his toys and brings them wherever we are. Wherever the most traffic is, wherever life is lived the most, that is exactly where he wants to be. If the kitchen is the central place, with the dining room off the kitchen, this is the perfect place for him. If the living room adjoins the dining room, better still.
On a rainy day children have the long expanse of time to deepen into their play. Story lines can become complex and filled with the stuff of human dilemma. Or fanciful flights of imagination can arise. Let’s allow these rains to not only nurture our gardens, but our children’s creative imagination, as well. Relax and enjoy!