Feed. Play. Love. Virtual Conference April 5-21

It is spring, here in the Virginia woods.  The forsythia reigns golden above the deck, and the daffodils sway in the dogwood-scented breeze.  The Rose Garden children are gearing up for their “summer-games”  Today they found catkins which had fallen from the trees to the ground, and quickly made fairy houses in which to leave presents of “the little ears of corn” for the fairies!  These children are so full of imaginative forces and pure creativity!  If only every parent could understand that this life-imbued imagination is the foundation for a life of thought, filled with creativity and flexibility.  The world of the future (and the future is now!) will need people who have thinking that is flexible enough to move creatively with change, people familiar with “flow”.  These capacities begin to grow in early childhood.  Let’s nurture them for the future!

Tomorrow  will begin an amazing( and free)  virtual conference:  Feed. Play. Love.  It is designed for mothers, to empower you to choose, consciously, how you will parent and educate your children.  I will be speaking on the necessity of creative play to foster this wide, up-welling creativity that they will need for the future.  To find  more information,  to see the other fine speakers and contributors, and to participate, follow this link


Here is a little from the web-site:

Our incredible speakers are going to teach you so much about being a parent on purpose…

We’ll teach you to FEED your child’s body, mind and spirit…

Give ways to allow them space to PLAY and foster their own ingenuity and creativity…

Inspire ways to LOVE being a Mom, to feel confident and purposeful in the choices that you make about raising your child.

You will also receive the 2011 Feed. Play. Love. Workbook so that you have a tool to implement the strategies, techniques and ideas that you want to incorporate into your life.

Click here and see what good things are in store for you! 


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