Valentine’s Day is always loved by the children, but especially so this year. I have been telling the children “table stories”, stories they ask for while we are all at the big snack table. A few days before Valentine’s Day, I told them the story of making heart-shaped waffles for my boys, now grown men, on Saturday mornings. I showed them the heart shaped waffle iron, and they of course responded, “And will you make them for us?” Up until the wee hours the night before, making mountains of waffles, I was was tired but happy on Valentine’s morning. The children arrived, and with their parents help, they delivered the lovely hand-made Valentines to their friends’ bright bags. The great excitement was eating the heart shaped waffles with fresh strawberry syrup!
The table story I told the children today is this: Each Valentine’s Day, I wait eagerly for my gift from Mother Earth. Usually, within a day or two, I hear the first call of the mourning dove, who returns to my woods from her long migration. Today we will listen carefully, as we play in the woods.