Category Archives: Uncategorized

Miracle of the Mixed Age Group

It is so unusual at this time in our society to see young children in a wide spread of ages, mixed together in an early childhood program. Because young children change at such a rapid pace, it is easy to imagine that their changing needs will be better met if we separate them out, and “teach” to the specific developmental age. But I find quite the opposite is true. When we mix the ages, the “teaching” happens in an organic fashion, the way it has for millennia.

Children develop on a continuum, new growth is built upon that which is familiar, as well as through imitation of the “new” which is modeled. Children follow a predictable developmental pattern. When we allow the children to be grouped in the traditional way, in mixed ages, we strengthen the learning of both the younger children and that of the older children as well.

It is clear and obvious the tremendous advantage the younger child has in this situation, in that they can through imitation learn new language patterns, new social skills can be developed, new imaginative abilities are discovered and so forth. What is less obvious is the tremendous advantage a mixed age group offers to the older children.

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Rainy Days

The spring rains have kept us indoors the last few days.  These are days we love, though.  Our rhythms shift, slowing down to accommodate the long needs of “chapter games”.  The children play for hours, inventing, creating, storying, singing their way into their own becoming.   We watch them play and can feel them growing, like the wheat berries planted in their small clay pots….spring gardens ready to take home after the Spring Festival.  The wheat grass leaps up into the air and sunshine; the children’s imaginations are as fertile as the rich black forest soil.  We watch raindrops making rivers down the windowpanes, and robins catching worms in the rain.  Birds sing, the swollen creek sings, and indoors the song of the children growing is sweet.